Mordekaiser runes
Mordekaiser runes

mordekaiser runes

If you blind mini gnar, he can't retaliate much, so short combos after he's blinded will help you to win the lane. If you dodge the boomerang, go for a big trade because he can't do much. I like stormrazor to help kite mega gnar, and also run either gnar down. Quinn's vault CAN interrupt both of Gnar's jumps (mini and mega), so keep that in mind :) Use your W passive marks to side step Mega Gnars rocks.

mordekaiser runes

Mini Gnar is quite easy to beat, while Mega Gnar's damage is quite terrifying.ĭon't go near walls when he is in Mega Gnar. The essential part of the matchup is to dodge his boomerang with your W max + fleet, and when his boomerang is down, go in for a trade. I run fleet footwork against Gnar because you get sustain for his boomerangs, and the movespeed helps you to juke his Q, which is his main form of damage. Quinn adc says “Matchup is Quinn favoured with experience.

mordekaiser runes

Para poder ripostearle fácilmente su ulti ya que la usará igualmente. Intenta hacerle engage cuando se le este acabando su transformación. Si es un buen jugador de Gnar, no va a dejar que le bajes la vida y luego te destruye en cuanto se transforma. En su forma pequeña, ripostea su W o su Q, intenta dejarle a poca vida y si es malo te va a pelear en cuanto se transforme, por lo que puedes ripostear su W y matarle. Try to engage him when his mega form is finishing so you can easily parry his R because he will use It anyway. In small form, parry his W or his Q, try to get him low health and if he is bad he will still fight you when he gets mega, so just parry his W and kill him, but if he is a good gnar player, he won't let you get him low health and will destroy you once he gets mega.

Mordekaiser runes